Coaching: Injury rehab to performance

Coaching: Injury rehab to performance

What's included after signing up:

  • 60 mins Initial consultation and assessment which is 1-1 online (Google meet, Skype etc).
  • Following our movement assessment and using your feedback, information, injury history and goals, I will create you a bespoke exercise programme with advice.
  • All exercises and movements in your programme are linked to an exercise video for you to watch, refer back to whenever you may need in case of technique and coaching cues.
  • You will have access to myself throughout via messaging and shared documents that you can update if you have any questions or confusion.
  • Every 4 weeks there will be a 1-1 online live call again for 40 mins as I feel it is imperative to reassess and beneficial to discuss where you’re at, how you’ve been feeling. From these calls, I will modify the programme or make progressions to the current one.
  • After 12 weeks, I would love for us to continue working together. Moving forward in the same way to keep progressing with a focus on improving performance. I'm not just selling a 3 month plan, its a coaching support service working together for you to continue to learn about your body, movement and to keep on striving for better function and performance.

Time and commitment

A 3 month initial commitment for coaching, rehab and training plan is essential for:

  1. Time for change and progression: It allows for a structured and gradual approach, aligning with the body's adaptation processes.
  2. Behavioural Change: 12 weeks provides sufficient time for you to adapt to your new plan and get to know what works, what doesn’t and then form consistency to allow the best possible outcome and results. Every 4 weeks there is also a 1-1 live virtual call meaning over the 3 months you also get 4 personal appointments with me (start, 4, 8 +12).
  3. Measurable Results and learning: Tracking progress and achieving improvements in rehabilitation and performance require a comprehensive approach over this duration.
  4. Client-Coach Relationship: This commitment allows us to grow together, build a strong rapport which will enhance your injury, movement and body with personalised adjustments to the plan, if or when needed.

Sustainable and longer term benefits: I also require 3 months dedication to make lasting improvements, going beyond short-term fixes whilst focusing on education with my full support.